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Home Who is a Candidate for Dentures

Who is a Candidate for Dentures

Rendering of removable partial dentureDentures are innovations for individuals with missing teeth. They help restore your smile and oral function and allow you to radiate confidence. However, not everyone can be the ideal candidate for dentures.Dr. Thomas Gent and Dr. Audrey Su are available at Sola Smile Co. to address any questions patients may have.

Who is a Candidate for Dentures?

Several factors help determine if an individual is a candidate for dentures. Some of these factors include:

Missing Teeth

You may be ideal for partial or full dentures if you have a few or more missing teeth. Partial dentures are fitted in conjunction with the remaining teeth, whereas a full set of dentures replaces an entire set of lost teeth. Full dentures are often the best option for people who have lost multiple teeth due to accidents, aging, or disease-related factors. Partially removable dentures are usually fastened into brackets attached to the remaining teeth. In contrast, full dentures must be supported by an adhesive, natural suction, or dental implants.


Age is not necessarily a factor that dentists consider when determining if a patient is a candidate for dentures. In most cases, individuals of any age are suitable for dentures if they have missing, broken, chipped, or damaged teeth. People of any age with missing teeth can get dentures to restore their smiles.

Dental Problems

Dentures are also recommended for people who have dental problems such as severe gum disease. Such oral health conditions could necessitate tooth extraction due to irreversible decay. Dentures can be an excellent replacement, allowing these individuals to maintain pleasant oral function and confidence. Moreover, dentures may also become vital for individuals with ailments like ectodermal dysplasia that impact tooth development.

Commitment to Care and Maintenance

Lastly, an individual's dedication to maintenance and care is another factor in determining if they are a candidate for dentures. Dentures require adequate care and maintenance to function optimally like any other dental device. If you fail to care for your dentures, they may degrade quickly and need regular repairs and replacements.

To be a strong candidate for dentures, you must be able to clean and care for them regularly, attend regular dental checkups, and store them properly when not in use. If you cannot follow these guidelines, dentures may not be a suitable solution for you.

General Health

When considering denture placement, one's health is also an important factor. Individuals struggling with autoimmune diseases and uncontrolled diabetes may not be suitable candidates for dentures. Furthermore, people who have undergone radiation therapy in the neck or head areas should avoid wearing dentures because they are at risk of developing osteoradionecrosis, a condition of the bone that occurs in the jaw area.

All in all, an individual's general health, missing teeth, and dental conditions are some factors that can help determine if they are a good candidate for dentures. If you have any further inquiries or want to consult highly trained professionals for denture placement, call us at Sola Smile Co. at 512-615-9405 today.
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Who is a Candidate for Dentures | Sola Smile Co. | Austin, TX
Dentures are universally practical and accessible to all. For more details about who is a candidate for dentures, visit Sola Smile Co. in Austin, TX!
Sola Smile Co. - Dr. Thomas Gent, 8701 Menchaca Road Building 3, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78748 ^ 512-615-9405 ^ ^ 1/31/2025 ^ Page Phrases: dentist Austin TX ^